With hands-on training as its fundamental approach, Our STEM Box offers Kinder Lab that enhances the proficiency of primary teachers. This, ultimately, enhances the learning capability of the students.

In simple words, a Kinder Lab is a set of educational kits, bots, activity books, and other resources that aims to enhance the teaching capabilities and learning curve of the elementary students through STEM approach. Through this lab, a school can conduct 32 STEM sessions for each grade.

There are three different packages to choose from depending on the budget and number of students. Each package of Kinder Lab comes with multiple Lego-compatible kits, programmable floor robots, and educational resources designed to cultivate 21-century skills of the students. Simply put, this is the perfect solution for anyone seeking educational kits for Indian schools.

Let’s have a look at the available packages in detail. Later, we have discussed the advantages to the schools.

Silver Package (For Grades Nur – KG): 
The creative blocks in the set nourish the imagination of the children and help them understand about the world around them. The package comprises of

  • ·        Creative Set
    • ·       Duplo small kit x 2
    • ·       Building Plates x 2
  • ·       Math Train / Alphabet Train x 1
  • ·       Wonder Gear Kit x 1 
  • ·       Emotion Kit x 1 
  • ·       Matatalab Lite x 2
  • ·       Edu-Bot Mats x 4

Choose from Math Train or Alphabet Train to teach the kids about math or alphabets in an exciting manner. Through the emotion kit, the young learners can learn to express their emotions. There’s a cute, little robot – Matatalab Lite -- that helps the kids develop a knack for coding and have direction sense. This bot is often used over Edu-Bot Mats that come in the kit. Each mat has blocks that help teaching about a particular topic like animals, neighborhood, city, etc. The package is perfect for preschools (play schools) or nursery/KG grades.

Gold Package (For Grades Nur – 2nd): It comprises of everything you get in the silver package, along with two crucial educational resources:

  • 3D Pen x 5

  • Early Simple Machines x 5

3D Pens literally gives shape to the imagination of the young learners. Create drawings in 3D without any hassle. In fact, the kids start to love using 3D Pens once you introduce them to this device.

And if you want to introduce the children to the working of simple machines, Early Simple Machines is the perfect way to begin. This kit with large-sized bricks and other colorful parts lets you develop working models that give a clear idea of the working and applications of simple machines. Various academies already use the kits for their STEM courses or evening classes.

Diamond Package (For Grades Nur - 5th): Along with all the constituents of silver package, this variant comes with these additional resources:

  • Tech Machines x 1

  • Kido Set x 5

  • Matatalab Pro Set x 5

By constructing models using Tech Machines, the children develop designing and problem-solving skills. The Kido set is the best way to introduce the kids to the world of robotics. The kids construct their models and program it using drag-and-drop programming environment. They also understand the working of sensors in the robots through this kit.

Now, let’s have delve deeper into why these packages are suitable for Indian schools.

The school administration need not spend a fortune to establish a STEM lab in their school. The starting price of Kinder Lab is less than Rs. 73,000. Considering the quantity of different kits, along with training workshop for the teachers and activity workbooks, it is a highly economical STEM educational kit.
Useful for both teachers and students
While teachers can use resources to sharpen their STEM teaching skills, the students find it highly engaging and entertaining. At the same time, the 21st century skills of the students get polished with the educational kits and activities involved.

Workshop for teachers
It is not simply a set of educational products designed for elementary classes. The lab comes with a training workshop for teachers to help them get an idea on how to use the educational kits to the fullest.

Finest quality kits
The educational kits in the Kinder Lab are sourced from renowned manufacturers from across the globe. These kits and bots are long-lasting and completely safe for kids to use.

Content designed by experts
The content (activity books) with the lab are designed by experts with decades of combined experience in education and content development.
All these factors have made it one of the renowned STEM educational kits for Indian schools. Connect with one of our representatives for more details and best prices.